Saturday, February 11, 2012

Our Bible Studies

2 Tim 2:15 "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." - KJV

John 8:47  "He that is of God heareth God's words: ye therefore hear them not, because ye are not of God." - KJV

Active Bible Studies
Our Federal Way Bible Study, every other Friday, 7:00 PM

Our Bible Studies in Federal Way had flourished with only 8 attendees  originally done at  the Stacey's residence, to 13 and eventually 16 active participants conducted on a regular schedules of the Smith residence to the Luna family. The crowd grew from 8 to 16 active attendees and as the feat is continually growing stronger, the power of the enemy also rose. Stacey's residence merged with the Smith's family and continued to conduct the study as one unit in the church. One saved soul willingly left the church for personal reasons and the others slowly decided to end the relationship with God and used their own understanding to influence the rest of their family in leaving the church. But God prepares a shield to protect his people and their endeavors of obedience. He blesses those who conforms to His will, those who ask for wisdom and guidance, those who seek for protection and strength for all His church ministries and activities.
He blessed us with another family that opened their home to another bible schedule that now continuously active and getting more and more grounded with the word of God. The Luna family of additional 5-9 attendees was the latest addition to the house of God.

The head of the family, Kuya Romel blessed us all with the decision to follow the Lord and is relentlessly supported by his wife Evelyn together with their skillful children. One of the couple's parent, Nanay Perla, is a well grounded Baptist that have practiced the faith long before the family have their multiple blessing.  God sees the heart of His children and what they desire. Through Nanay Perla's longing for a bible based church, God lead them to a church that practices the works of God through the scriptures authored and inspired by spiritually obedient followers of Jesus Christ. Through God's quickening words, grace, mercy and love for us, he did not break his promise of protection. Although, some of the members have fallen back to their ways, comfort and conformity of the world, there are more souls that continues the battle for Christ and obediently tries their best to hold on  to the shield of protection God promised to those who would obey. I, for one, would rather be in the army of God holding on to His promise of deliverance. I have never seen His broken til this day and I am not about to stand by and profess I am a Christian but do nothing and hope for the illusion of temporal prosperity.
Until this day, Federal Way Bible schedules are active and ongoing every other Friday of the month. IBBC continue to pray that  the visibility of our works will be recognized by those who seek His words.
Our church was not built to please men, to conform with its member's institutionalized ideas or to preach an opinion. We hold each study with the guidance of the Holy Spirit and laid down by the Scriptures. Each of us understands that the word of God is like a tow-edged sword that could pierce our ways and direct our path according to obedience with an open mind and willingness of the soul to adapt the knowledge and values learned. God does not reveal his strength and power to those who are not willing to accept Him but He blesses those who willingly abide by His instructions. We are always aware that tests and temptations encouraged by confusion will always be the tool of the enemy to subtly deviate us from our effort to obey but only those who are weak and not grounded will budge, complain, stray or leave.

Petition and Prayer: Pray with us to provide our host a work schedule complementing the desire of everyone to conduct a weekly bible study in their home.

Our Seattle Bible Study, every Tuesday of the week, 5:30 PM

Our host in the great Seattle area, Sister Belen, holds the Bible study at her home care with willing patients and caregivers every Tuesday night at 6:00 PM. Inspite of the demand of her time and work, she committed hours and continuously set time to do her service for the Lord. She opened up a Bible service not only for her own benefit but her patients and staffs who are craving for the word of God. Until this day, this is an active and ongoing schedule calendared as one of the outreach program of the church.

 Petitions and Prayers: We fervently pray for the stability of the staff to acquire a desire to regularly attend the study and ask the Lord to eliminate the fears and excuses of the attendees to drive and travel for our Sunday service. We also ask for protection, strength and patience of each individual on this location.

Our Prayer Meeting and Bible Study, every Wednesday, 6:00 PM, Highland Hills Bible Baptist Church, 901 S. Pearl St., Tacoma, WA 98465

Our Bible Study Visitors and Preachers
Pastor Abanto's bible study visit

 Pastor Abanto during Bible Study at Smith Residence

Inactive or Intermittent Bible Schedules
Valdez Family Residence in Tacoma



Azul-Antonio Residence, Tacoma


It is always in our prayer to grow our active bible studies and other ministries in God's time and grace.

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